Online Donations
Any donation whether financial or time, no matter how big or small it all makes a difference. Your donation helps us to meet our aims of preserving and advancing our faith, culture, and values. We do this by providing opportunities for volunteering, provision of education and creating events and activities to celebrate Hinduism, spiritual and mental wellbeing. Your donation will also help us preserve the temple as a place of worship and community hall for future generations and to create an environment for the betterment of all living beings in order to gain the divine blessings of Bhagwan Swaminarayan.
If you would like to set up a standing order, for a recurring monthly or weekly donation or a one off donation, a reminder of the bank details and link to PayPal tab below:
- Bank Transfer
- PayPal
Please make your donations payment to the following bank details:
- Recipient name: Shree Swaminarayan Temple
- Sort code: 23-05-80
- Account Number: 41314516
Please ensure you add your name on the reference as this will help us track the payment.
If you would like a receipt of your payment, please send us an email to and provide us with the following details:
- Your email address
- Amount of donation
- Reference Name (Please include your Donation ID if possible)
Using the PayPal option, you will have a choice to donate by Credit or Debit card. When clicking the Donate button below, you will be directed to the PayPal website. From there, select the "Donate by Card" option.
If you are a UK tax payer and would like to add Gift Aid to your donation at no extra cost to you, please tick the "Share your Postal Address" box on the PayPal page.