Devprobodhini Ekadashi
This Ekadashi is the first of the New Year and falls on the 11th day of the bright half of the month of Kartik. This ekadashi is also called Devprobhodhini.
Dev - Lord
Probhod - Awakening
On this Ekadashi day the period of Chaturmaas, during which satsangis take special niyams, ends. Lord Vishnu has been resting in an ocean of milk (Kshirsagar) and he awakens on this day. He has also been standing guard at the door of King Bali and on this day his duty ends and he returns to his abode.
On this Ekadashi satsangis undertake a fast and control the ten senses and the mind by depriving them of their usual worldly activities and engaging them in spiritual activities focusing them on devotion to God. By depriving oneself of food and water, one instills discipline of the senses and achieves full control of the mind.
The Tulsi Vivah, the marriage festival of Tulsi and Shaligram, also starts on this day.